Devlog 1: Origins of a Game

After my mother passed away during development of my last serious game years back, I couldn't find the time to focus on working on it any further. It was hard to take weeks off at a time, and come back to it. I'd stare at my events and scripts like I was staring at spaghetti code. I couldn't remember where I left off. I knew it was time to hang up my developer hat. At least for that time period in my life.

Then last year happened. Personal health problems led me to look at my own mortality. When I leave this earth, what will I leave behind? What will my legacy be? What will prove that I was here? And as stupid as it may sound, developing a commercial quality game popped into my head. I had achieved a mild level of success in the past with a couple free games. But nothing worthy of a platform like Steam or Google Play. My games had faded into obscurity. It occurred to me that years after I turn to dust, someone might just decide to play my game. Suddenly I exist again. And chances are any game I develop will have a higher chance of being found on a commercial platform. And so I set a goal for myself: develop a commercial quality game. Something that will justify paying a low price, and won't get laughed off the internet. I also wanted to develop something I could add on to. Something I could continue to improve over time with "free DLC" in a way. And now I was bringing years of maturity into it, and a more level head.

All of that led me to look at developing a farming sim. But how does a farming sim end up turning into an open world dungeon crawler? I'll detail that in my next blog. If you've managed to read up to this point, I appreciate it. All I want is for people to enjoy the games I make. And finally after all these years, just maybe I can do that again.

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Good luck bro!

Thank you!